August 28, 2020Release Date: February 2021
Price: 3,080 Yen
The dark and mysterious Gundam Dryon III first debut in the Japanese arcade game Mobile Suit Gundam: Try Age, and then appeared as a customized version of the Gundam Tryon III via Hobby Hobby Imaging Builders. The kit later appeared in the Gundam Build Fighers: Battlogue series, which was build and piloted by Minato Sakai.
This kit shares the exact same molds used in the HGBF 1/144 Gundam TRYON III, converted in black plastic materials, highlighted with gold sticker strips for some of its parts. The kit also features transformation and combination gimmick that includes three main components that includes Riku Dryon which is the main body unit, featuring a lion head for its chest part! Also, the Umi Dryon part which acts as the flight unit, that provides its shoulder armor when in mobile suit mode. And last but not the least, the Sora Dryon, which features a falcon that also acts Dryon III’s leg units when combined in MS mode.